July 19th, 2012

Cover of "Glimpses of Grace: Daily Though...

Cover via Amazon

Every day I find multiple ways to deepen my relationship with the Holy One.  Some days I write in a prayer journal that helps me answer the question ‘How is it with my soul?”.  Other days I may spend time in centering prayer or reading some devotionals written by deeply spiritual people I admire.  Yesterday I was reading the daily entry in “Glimpses of Grace” a compilation of the writings of Madeleine L’Engle by Carole F. Chase.

What L’Engle wrote back then is being repeated in our lives right now.  She was writing about the incredible news that there were more suns and galaxies out there.  Recently we have been hearing that there are more universes out there.   She commented on how the sub-atomic particles were more complicated and vast then we knew.  Recently we have been hearing about splitting the atom and the ‘God particle”.   As we reflect on the vastness of creation we are called to embrace a larger view of God, the Creator.   If the world – sub-atomically and universally is larger than we imagined how much larger must our God be?

The daily reading ends like this:  “Even when we list our great saints and artists, Teresa, Julian of Norwich, Bach, Shakespeare, Rembrandt, nothing we do seems very important, set against the enormity of Creation.”

Madeleine L'Engle

Madeleine L’Engle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

         And yet the Holy Scriptures tell us that God made us and that what God made is good.  And the Holy Scriptures also tell us we are made in the image of God.  What does knowing that call us to do and be today?

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